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ARCHIVED SCHEDULE: SPRING 2006 (Coordinator: Yidao Cai)
24-Jan NA Organizational meeting
31-Jan Hao Song Bifurcation and Singularity Analysis of a Molecular Network for the Induction of Long-Term Memory [PDF]
7-Feb Jacek Turski Computational Harmonic Analysis for Human and Robotic Vision Systems [PDF 1] [PDF 2]
14-Feb Jeffrey Gavornik Angular path intergration by moving "Hill of Activity": A spiking neuron model without recurrent excitation of the head-direction system (J. Neurosci 25, 1002-1014, 2005) [PDF]
28-Feb Fabrizio Gabbiani Contrasting effects of the persistent Na+ current on neuronal excitability and spike timing. Neuron, 49:257-270, 2006. [PDF] [PDF suppl]
7-Mar Steve Cox State-Dependent Dendritic Computation in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons, Sonia Gasparini and Jeffrey C. Magee The Journal of Neuroscience, February 15, 2006 26(7):2088-2100 [PDF]
14-Mar Paul Smolen An intracelluar Ca2+ subsystem as a biologically plausible source of intrinsic conditional bistability in a network model of working memory. C. P. Fall and J. Rinzel J. Comput. Neurosci. [PDF]
21-Mar Harel Shouval Mechanism of graded persistent cellular activity of entorhinal cortex layer V neurons. Fransen et al., Neuron 49, 735-746, 2006. [PDF]
28-Mar Yidao Cai Deterministic multiplicative gain control with active dendrites. Mehaffey et al. J. Neurosci. 25, 9968-9977, 2005. [PDF]
11-Apr Doug Baxter A modeling environment with three-dimensional morphology, A-Cell-3D, and Ca2+ dynamics in a spine. Ichikawa Neuroinformatics, 2005. [PDF]
18-Apr Naveed Aslam A recurrent network mechanism of time intergration in perceptual decisions. Wong and Wang, J. Neurosci. 26, 1314-1328, 2006. [PDF]
25-Apr Kreso Josic The tempotron: a neuron that learns spike timing-based decisions. Gutig and Sompolinsky, Nature Neurosci. 9, 420-428, 2006. [PDF]
2-May Xintian Yu A Spin glass model of path integration in rat medial entorhinal cortex. J. Neurosci. 26, 4266-4276, 2006. [PDF]
9-May Evyatar Av-Ron Diffusion of calcium and metabolites in pancreatic islets: Killing oscillations with a pitchfork. Biophys. J. 90, 3434-3446, 2006. [PDF]
16-May Georgios Kalantzis Spike propagation in dendrites with stochastic ion channels. Diba et al. J. Comput. Neurosci. 20, 77-84, 2006. [PDF]
23-May Yushihisa Kubota Weak pair wise correlations imply strongly correlated network states in a neural population. Schneidman et al. Nature 440, 1007-1012, 2006. [PDF]

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