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ARCHIVED SCHEDULE: SPRING 2005 (Coordinator: Xintian Yu)
18-Jan Chess Steton The statistical structure of natural light patterns determines perceived light intensity [PDF]
25-Jan NA Journal Review
08-Feb Steve Cox A Method to Estimate Synaptic Conductances From Membrane Potential Fluctuations [PDF]
15-Feb Evyatar Av-Ron The Role of Stochastic and Modal Gating of Cardiac L-Type Ca Channels on Early After-Depolarizations [PDF]
22-Feb Harel Shouval Model based decoding of spike trains [PDF]
Decoding Spike Trains Instant by Instant Using Order Statistics and the Mixture-of-Poissons Model [PDF]
01-Mar Paul Smolen Cascade Models of Synaptically Stored Memories [PDF]
08-Mar Daniel Wustenberg Transmitter Metabolism as a Mechanism of Synaptic Plasticity: a Modeling Studay [PDF]
15-Mar NA Journal Review
22-Mar Fabrizo Gabbiani Intrinsic Noise in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: experiment and modeling [PDF]
29-Mar Diego Gurmisky Flexible control of mutual inhibition: A neural model of two-interval discrimination [PDF]
05-Apr Yidao Cai Distinguishing between Presynaptic and Postsynaptic Mechanisms of Short-Term Depression during Action Potential Trains [PDF]
12-Apr Horatiu Voicu Spike-timing Dynamics of Neuronal Groups [PDF]
19-Apr Chess Steton Bayesian Computation in Recurrent Neural Circuits [PDF]
26-Apr Kreso Josic Similar network activity from disparate circuit parameters [PDF] Alternative to Hand-Tuning Conductance-Based Models: Construction and Analysis of Databases of Model Neurons [PDF]

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