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ARCHIVED SCHEDULE: SPRING 2004 (Coordinator: Gregg Phares)
23-Jan Jeff Yoshimi, UCSD Short term depression in primary visual cortex and the tilt aftereffect
30-Jan Behrang Bill Amini Kuo, A.D. (2002) The relative roles of feedforward and feedback in the control of rhythmic movements. Motor Control, 6, 129-145 [PDF]
06-Feb Randall Hayes Izhikevich, E. Resonance and selective communication via bursts in neurons having subthreshold oscillations. BioSystems 67:95-102, 2002 [PDF] [review PDF]
20-Feb Daniel Wustenberg Michael Shadlen & William Newsome. The Variable Discharge of Cortical Neurons: Implications for Connectivity, Computation, and Information Coding. JNeurosci 1998, 18(10), 3870-3896 [PDF]
27-Feb Xintian Yu Foster, Morris & Dayan (2000) "A model of hippocampally dependent navigation, using the temporal difference learning rule" Hippocampus 10:1-16 [PDF]
5-Mar Evyatar Av-Ron Falcke et al, "Modeling observed chaotic oscillations in bursting neurons: the role of calcium dynamics and IP3" (Biol Cybern 82:517-527, 2000) [PDF]
12-Mar Courtney Lane "Precise inhibition is essential for microsecond interaural time difference coding" Brand et al. Nature 417:543-547, 2002 [PDF] [review PDF]
26-Mar Harel Shouval "Hebbian spike-driven synaptic plasticity for learning patterns of mean firing rates" by S Fusi (Biol. Cybern. 87: 459-470, 2002) [PDF]

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