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ARCHIVED SCHEDULE: FALL 2004 (Coordinator: Gregg Phares)
11-Oct David Eagleman MOSAIC Model for Sensorimotor Learning and Control [PDF]
18-Oct Harel Shouval Learning with bounded synapses generates synaptic democracy and balanced neurons [PDF]
8-Nov Doug Baxter Dendritic Ih Selectively Blocks Temporal Summation of Unsynchronized Distal Inputs in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons [PDF]
15-Nov Kreso Josic High Frequency Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus Eliminates Pathological Thalamic Rhythmicity in a Computational Model [PDF]
22-Nov Yoshi Kubota Fractional diffusion modeling of ion channel gating [PDF]
29-Nov Steve Cox Action potentials in basal and oblique dendrites of rat neocortical pyramidal neurons [PDF]
6-Dec Evyatar Av-Ron Signaling in Small Subcellular Volumes. I. Stochastic and Diffusion Effects on Individual Pathways [PDF]
13-Dec Daniel Wustenberg Synaptic Depression and Cortical Gain Control [PDF]

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