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ARCHIVED SCHEDULE: FALL 2003 (Coordinator: Gregg Phares)
15-Aug Randall Hayes Pfeuty et al. (2003) Electrical synapses and synchrony: The role of intrinsic currents. J Neurosci 23:6280-6294.
29-Aug Bjoern Brembs Discussed his attempts to model gating of AP propagation in Aplysia neuron B21.
12-Sept Harel Shouval Izhikevich and Desai (2003) Relating STDP to BCM. Neural Comput 15:1511-1523
26-Sept Doug Baxter Lushcer HR, Shiner JS (1991a) Computation of action potential propagation and presynaptic bouton activation in terminal arborization of different geometries. Biophys. J. 58: 1377-1388; and Lushcer HR, Shiner JS (1991b) Simulation of action potential propagation in complex terminal arborizations. Biophys. J. 58: 1389-1399.
3-Oct Steve Cox Coincidence detection in pyramidal neurons is tuned by their dendritic branching pattern. Schaefer, Larkum, Sakmann and Roth. J Neurophys, 89:3143-3154, 2003
10-Oct Paul Smolen Kepler TB, Elston TC. Stochasticity in transcriptional regulation: origins, consequences, and mathematical representations. Biophys J. 2001 Dec;81(6):3116-36. [PDF
24-Oct Evyatar Av-ron On the integration of subthreshold inputs from perforant path and Schaffer collaterals in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. M. Migliore. J Comput Neurosci 14:185-192, 2003 [PDF
31-Oct Steve Miller Miller CS, Johnson DH, Schroeter JP, Myint L, Glantz RM (2003) Visual responses of crayfish ocular motorneurons: An information theoretical analysis. J Comput Neurosci 15:247-269 [PDF
21-Nov Chess Stetson Rao, RP and Ballard, DH. Predictive coding in the visual cortex: a functional interpretation of some extra-classical receptive-field effects. Nat Neurosci. 1999 Jan;2(1):79-87. [PDF
5-Dec David Eagleman Weiss Y, Simoncelli EP, Adelson EH. Motion illusions as optimal percepts. Nat Neurosci. 2002 Jun;5(6):598-604 [PDF
12-Dec Randall Hayes Schaefer AT, Helmstaedter M, Sakmann B, Korngreen A. (2003) Correction of conductance measurements in non-space-clamped structures: 1. Voltage-gated K+ channels. Biophys J. 84(6):3508-28. [PDF
19-Dec Gregg Phares Bertram et al. (2003) A minimal model for G protein-mediated synaptic facilitation and depression. J Neurophysiol 90:1643-1653. [PDF

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