Theoretical and COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE Seminar Neuron

The Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar at Univeristy of Texas, Houston Medical School meets every Tuesday, 4:00pm, in the seventh floor conference room 7.046.

Graduates should register to this as a course: GS 140111

We present and discuss recent developments in computational neuroscience, attempting a thorough understanding of the material as well as a wide view of the current literature.

Would you like to join? Please see our schedule and show up to our next meeting.

Like to be on the email list? Send a request to Harel Shouval: [email protected]

Spring 2012 SCHEDULE
1/17 Jon Flynn

Neural correlates of high-gamma oscillations (60–200 Hz) in
macaque local field potentials and their potential implications in
Ray et al (2008)


WeiJi Ma

How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect Lorenz et al (2011)

1/31 Kreso Josic Inhibitory Plasticity Balances Excitation and Inhibition in Sensory Pathways and Memory Networks Vogels et al (2011)
2/7 Paul Smolen Multiplicative Dynamics Underlie the Emergence of the Log-
Normal Distribution of Spine Sizes in the Neocortex In Vivo

Yonatan Loewenstein Annerose Kuras, and Simon Rumpel
2/14 Raymond Chan Uninformed Individuals Promote Democratic Consensus in Animal Groups
I.D Couzin (2011)
2/21 Chris Conner Internal representation of task rules by recurrent dynamics: the importance of the diversity of neural responses Rigotti, Rubin Wang and Fusi
2/28 Harel Shouval Stable Learning in Stochastic Network States El Boustani et. al. J. Neurosci. (2012)
3/13 Katie Hendrick Sensory feedback, error correction, and remapping in a multiple oscillator model of place-cell activity Joseph D. Monaco, James J. Knierim and Kechen Zhang 
3/20 Yunjiao Wang* (room 7.037)
3/27 Sarah Baum  
4/3 Anuja Chanresekar  
4/10 Becky Chen Synaptic Integration Gradients in Single Cortical Pyramidal Cell Dendrites
Branco and Hausser (2011)

* room change

Previous semesters

2011 Spring Fall

2010 Fall Spring

2009 Fall Spring

Related Links:

1. List of Theoretical and Computational Talks in the Houston area

2. Archive of recent interesting theoretical papers

3. UTH Seminars

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