Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Gene Network Study

Zixing Wang, Wenlong Xu, F. Anthony San Lucas and Yin Liu

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX 77030


We have developed and applied the pLasso method to incorporate prior knowledge for the reconstruction of gene networks.

After downloading the package, unzip it and copy all files into the same file folder, then run the file "Plass_demo.m".


The pLasso method has been applied to two microarray gene expression datasets. The estimated partial correlation coefficient matrix for the genes in each corresponding dataset can be found here.

Supplementary Materials:

Supplementary results on: 1) the performance of pLasso with prior information provided at different precision levels; 2) comparison between cross-validation and BIC; 3) comparison among different priors can be found here.

Updated Date: May 3, 2013
Email: Yin Liu

The Liu Lab Website