Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar Home

ARCHIVED SCHEDULE: FALL 2006 (Coordinator: Yidao Cai)
5-Sept All Organizational meeting, journal review
21-Sept Harel Shouval Extending the effects of spike-timing-sependent plasticity to behavioral timescales. Drew and Abbott, PNAS 103, 8876-8881, 2006 [PDF]
28-Sept Georgios Kalantzis Modeling synaptic dynamics driven by receptor lateral diffusion. Holcman and Triller, Biophys. J. 91, 2405-2415, 2006. [PDF]
26-Oct Evyatar Av-Ron Cortico-basal ganglia circuit mechanism for a decision threshold in reaction time tasks. Nature Neurosci. 9, 956-963, 2006. [PDF]
2-Nov Steve Cox Comment on "Characterization of Subthreshold Voltage Fluctuations on Neuronal Membranes," by M.Rudolph and A.Destexhle. Benjamin Lindner and Andre Longtin. Neural Comp. 18, 1896-1931 (2006). [PDF]
9-Nov Fabrizio Gabbiani "Synaptic shot noise and conductance fluctuations affect the membrane voltage with equal significance" by Richardson and Gerstner. Neur Comput 17-923-947 (2005). [PDF]
16-Nov Naveed Aslam "Nonequilibrium Paftlike Membrane Domains under Continuous Recycling." Turner M.S. et al. PRL 95, 168301(2005). Neur Comput 17-923-947 (2005). [PDF]
30-Nov Jeffrey Gavornik " Dopamine modulation in the basal ganglia locks the gate to working memory. A. Gruber, P. Dayan, B Gutkin, & S. Solla. J Comput Neurosci. 20-1536-166 (2006). [PDF]
7-Dec Horatiu Voicu "How do glutamatergic and GABAergic cells contribute to synchronization in the medial septum?" Ujfalussy, B. and Kiss, T., J Comput Neurosci, 21:343-357 (2006). [PDF]
14-Dec Paul Smolen Role of the neurogranin concentrated in spines in the induction of long-term potentiation. J. Neurosci. 26, 7333-7347, 2006 [PDF]

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